This will contain reviews for operating systems that I have used in the past! :3

There are many operating systems(OS) out there with there own specific niche or goal. I'm not just talking about linux and its versitality, but rather the unique objectives that many seek to achieve!

like collapse OS with its ability to be ran on any kind of machine, cubesOS and its near perfect security and yiffOS, an OS made just for funsies ^w^

my mission on this site is to spread ideas and art relating to os design! I may touch on the more famous ones here and there, eg. templeOS, osakaos, unix. I won't be looking at anything like its statistics, but rather its design, history and art. Most idependently made OS are more of an art piece or an unique piece of tech that deserves to be talked about! there's not much right now but at least once a week I will post a review of an OS. I do have a tight schedule as of late so it might be a little infreqeunt. So don't have high hopes ;x;